We help people discover and develop their adventurer experiences for themselves, others, and the world

The Origin

Kurt Hahn and Lawrence Holt are the founder of The Outward Bound Trust in 1941. Hahn, originally a German educator, settled in Scotland and founded Gordonstoun School. He was also involved in establishing the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Holt was from the Blue Funnel Shipping Line.

The first Outward Bound school was in Aberdovey in Wales. It was initially intended as a school for merchant seamen with a mission to develop skills of self-discovery, confidence, tenacity and perseverance. Hahn and Holt wanted to pass on the same principles to future generations. Outward Bound - Adventure & Survival

The Founders

Kurt Hahn was born in Germany in 1896, But he lived much of his life in England as an Englishman. He had developed his progressive ideas, first as founder of the Salem School in Germany, and later at Gordonstoun, a boarding school in Scotland, that soon became one of Britain’s most distinguished and innovative schools.

While still a young man, Hahn suffered severe sunstroke that left him with a permanent disability over which he triumphed with the greatest courage. It was partly the long recovery periods associated with the sunstroke that provided him with the opportunity to study educational philosophies in greater depth and formulate the system of education that he promoted throughout his life. He exemplified one of his favorite aphorisms, “your disability is your opportunity”, by turning ill fortune to good purpose.

It was Hahn’s belief that every child is born with innate spiritual powers and ability to make correct judgments about moral issues. In the progression through adolescence, the child loses these spiritual powers and the ability to make moral judgments because of, what Hahn calls, the diseased society and the impulses of adolescence.

As part of his concern for physical well-being he believed that every child has both a natural physical aptitude and a natural physical inaptitude. Both provide opportunities: one to develop strength and the other to overcome weakness. This was the source of another of Hahn’s aphorisms, “There is more in you than you think.” Hahn’s goal was to provide an “ideal pasture” for these innate powers and abilities to manifest themselves. One of the pastures he created was Outward Bound. Further reading on Hahn..

Kurt Hahn

Lawrence Holt, co-founder of Outward Bound, was senior partner in the Liverpool-based Blue Funnel Shipping Line. In the summer of 1941, he was approached by Kurt Hahn to provide support for the short residential courses that Hahn had developed at Gordonstoun as an introduction to his County Badge scheme (now The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award). Holt, a Gordonstoun parent, agreed to lend his company’s assistance to Hahn’s project, but with the condition that the school be ready to enroll students in one month’s time.

The school, later named Outward Bound, was ready in time and would serve the needs of merchant marine cadets and be open to the youth of a nation at war. Holt clearly saw the value of character training and its utility to his untested young merchant mariners. He knew that the small boat handling skills these young men would acquire could one day mean the difference between life and death in survival situations at sea. He also understood that Britain was at a crossroads, and that her youth needed to be better prepared for an uncertain future.

Kurt Hahn credited Holt with choosing “Outward Bound” as the name of the new school. The phrase “Outward Bound” derives from the nautical term that described a ship that was soon to depart the comfort of home port, bound for the uncertainty of the open sea. It was a signal to the sailors that it was time to return to ship.

Each of Outward Bound International’s member countries has had its own remarkable and dedicated founders who have refined and adapted the philosophy of Outward Bound to their own culture.

Lawrence Holt


To help people discover and develop their Adventurer and Survivor Experiences for themselves,others, and the world around them through the skills in unfamiliar settings.


Developing capacities of mind, body and spirit to better understand one’s responsibilities to self, others and communit spirit to better understand one’s responsibilities to self, others and community.


Our Goal is to provide unique training courses.The courses are using outdoor environment as classroom and activities or expedition as the medium.